Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Parties discussing Gaffey

Democrats and Republicans are discussing state
Senator Tom Gaffey and his escapades.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

What a shocker. The local Democrats say Gaffey did nothing wrong.

His fellow Democrat Joan Hartley, who was the receiving end of the lovebird's vendetta, might beg to differ

Anonymous said...

I wish Gaffey had recused himself from the debate about funding the state university system. Particularly since the vote was so lobsided in favor, his vote wasn't necessary, and now he has brought some apparently justified criticism.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Gaffey asked the State Office of Ethics whether he had violated the Ethics Code and they said he had not.

Maybe we need to change the Code, then.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why we have to have quasi-government agencies that seem to make their own rules and have politicos appointed to big jobs. How much nepotism is present in these agencies? Did anyone take a hit after giving enron 100's of millions on dollars.

Anonymous said...

Yep, he asked the ethics commission if a "social relationship' was ok.

I presume they thought he was playing golf with the University lobbyist, not getting busy in the sand trap

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is his "personal life." All this talk of ethics and crossing the line is a vast right wing conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

politics is so gossipy that I bet everybody in Hartford knew about Tom and his new girlfriend...

Anonymous said...

I suppose if Gaffey went to Vegas and put his "girlfriends" on his state expense account, that too would be his "personal life"....right?

Actually it might be better as the state would not go a billion in hock that way

Anonymous said...

Gaffey is only a distraction. The real problems are cut the pork, re-evaluate all programs to determine if they are helping anyone other than the people that run them, cut taxes, cut all dept budgets by 10% and make Ct a place where businesses want to come and create good jobs that we nees.

Anonymous said...

Not gonna happen as long as the taxpayers pay for lobbyists to seduce politicians into increasing state spending