Friday, December 28, 2007

Blogging: The year in review

With the holidays, I've been a bit busy for the past week and haven't been posting daily. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I am working on two pieces in particular that I'm hoping to publish next week. They're both on the town's financial matters... so I'm not sure if you'll enjoy them as much as a post about the north end, but they are what interests me. And hopefully we'll be able to "move the ball down the field" and make some progress on some matters that seem to be largely ignored... or simply dismissed out of hand... by the Council.

In the meantime, I just wanted to thank all of you for what I believe was a productive 2007 in Cheshire's blogosphere.

On the downside, I've tried digging around the tubes to find more linked blogs, but I haven't gotten very far. Yes, there are a lot of Cheshire-based blogs, but not much that discusses Cheshire (politics, sports, schools, religion or anything else "Cheshire")... at least not much beyond the Underground Town Hall and Cheshire Town Post... that I could find this year.

And speaking of CTP... just a reminder that anyone can post over there... or right here (just email it to me). I'd be happy to get some guest posts. I haven't had any in a while.

Anyway, on the upside for Cheshire's blogosphere, I do believe we've had a productive year. We've shined the light on many issues that the local press simply don't have the time/space/fill-in-the-reason to cover. And shining the light is necessary. After all...

"Light and liberty go together." - Thomas Jefferson to Tench Coxe, 1795

And I know that we've ruffled more than a few feathers... but in the long run, that's a good thing for the town. Without openness and honesty, any government is headed in the wrong direction. Keep in mind...

"The diffusion of information and the arraignment of all abuses at the bar of public reason, I deem [one of] the essential principles of our government, and consequently [one of] those which ought to shape its administration." - Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural Address, 1801

The diffusion of information.

Long live the internet and unfiltered information! It's truly amazing. Witness the arrival of Ned Lamont and Ron Paul to the American political scene. Whether you like them or not, they found an immense following as a result of the internet... and probably more specifically... as a result of the diffusion of information unimpeded by the MSM.

One last thing to keep in mind though... if any of you are interested in swaying widespread public opinion... don't expect any blogs to do it. As 2007 comes to a close, I think it's fair to say that blogs do not get nearly as much widespread exposure as the local newspapers. So if you really want to sway public opinion, you'll need to come out from the shadows of blogonymity, put pen to paper, sign your name and send your letter to the editor. And I expect that to remain a reality for the next few years at least. And in the meantime...

And as always, feel free to use information from TWL. It's all open to the public domain as far as I'm concerned.

Tim White

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