Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Why did we elect Republicans?

Perhaps lost amid the hurrahs of last night's election results, the Fedsters and Helicopter Ben have announced another $600 billion in "stimulus."

I find it hard to believe that Bernanke made this announcement without first communicating his intentions to presumptive Speaker Boehner... and probably getting some sort of tacit approval.

Has Boehner voiced any opposition to more of the same? I haven't seen anything yet... which is entirely unacceptable. I certainly hope that some of the new GOP call him on this and demand his strong public opposition to more stimulus. I mean, if Boehner can't see the obvious disparity between yesterday's election and today's stimulus, then he's too dumb to be Speaker. And if he sees the difference, but ignores it... then the house cleaning probably ought to continue in 2012.

Why did we elect Republicans?

Tim White


Anonymous said...

You elected Republicans because the trend going back for many decades, gave a mid-term boost to the other party than that of the President.

Anonymous said...

True, the opposition party tends to do well in midterm elections. However, Obama's low ratings rival W's, and half of Democrats want Obama replaced (AP survey). Short of an economic miracle, Obama will be a one term president.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Bernanke notify Boehner?

Because he is not the President. Does everything now have to go to Boehner?

Why did the Republicans get elected?

The people want to go back to the Good Old Days, $4.00 gas, make sure the richest 2 percent keep their tax cut, continued do nothing and obstructionism, constant complaining, uncontrolled drilling, no banking regulations, return to the insurance companies the total control of whether they will insure you,if they'll pay and when they want to drop you, and continue shipping all our manufacturing overseas, and get rid of all controls and regulations, regulations and get rid of all social programs.

Anonymous said...

My question is this?

Why didn't majorities in CT elect any Republicans in the tidal wave change Tuesday? The state and country are in deep doo doo yet Connecticut voters have returned all D's to Congress, most of incumbant D's to State House and likely a D to the governor's mansion, apparently unmoved by stark reality this state faces under the decades old yoke of democratic control.

Wake up people...your reflexes are going to kill this state.

I'll do my part locally to help maintain fiscal reason but our State is in absolute ruinous financial condition and we will be punished with cuts in state dollars coming back to our towns. We will pay higher state income taxes as few state programs will see any cuts cut except for the dollars coming back to towns like Cheshire where you can be sure there will be cuts.

Tim Slocum

Anonymous said...

Tim S,

Weren't you the one that came up with the brilliant idea to have the turf committee come up with 50% of the turf costs and then the TC would act on the grant...or something to that effect...

Anonymous said...

Yes...Call me problem maker or call me a problem solver but
that amendment produced a challenge that has likely resulted in enough fundraisng by private local donors to fully pay for the turf field installation.

You may also recall that was the last council and I still have only one vote to cast of nine as I did then.(yes there will be a new TC member to replace Tim White).

I will not support a dime of Cheshire taxpayer money going toward the construction of the turf field. I realize this will have future replacement cost down the road as do our roofs, pool bubbles, etc. so TC will have to look at all the the issues and make a decision.

Tim Slocum