Monday, November 27, 2006

Town hall 11/27

I was at the Energy Commission meeting tonight in town hall. As usual, there were lots of interesting things discussed tonight. Perhaps the best thing though was that we had, IMHO, all the relevant people there for perhaps the first time ever. Along with the Energy Commission members, also present were facilities representatives from the town and the schools and members of both the Council (me) and the BOE (Bob Behrer).

This may seem insignificant, but it's not. Without having everyone represented, it makes communication difficult. In turn, projects either take forever or simply never happen. So a special thanks to Bob Behrer for taking the time attend!

Also happening this evening in town hall was a meeting of the Senior Tax Relief Study Committee. I joined the meeting for just a minute, as I was busy with the EC. One thing was mentioned to me though in passing... is it true that they unanimously rejected the idea of a tax freeze? I was told they did that last Wednesday, but I hadn't noticed it mentioned anywhere.

Finally in town hall tonight was a meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission. I didn't catch any of their meeting, but did see their agenda. Included in the agenda under New Business were two rather interesting items: "Petition for Changes to the Town of Cheshire Plan of Conservation and Development" and "Zone Text Change Petition Application (Interchange Special Development District)." Both items were put forward by W/S Development Associates, LLC. I googled them and found some interesting stuff. Stuff that some may consider good, while others may consider bad. And I believe these are the same guys who did the shops in Canton. Anyway... anyone happen to see the PZC meeting on TV? What exactly were they doing?

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District

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