Thursday, August 17, 2006

Drug sniffing dogs

Prospect & Beacon Falls are looking to get drug sniffing dogs into their high school (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Kathy Halloran).

Interestingly, I believe that a Cheshire BOE member, Jimmy Sima, was recently told that while it was possible to get a drug sniffing dog into CHS, the state police would not allocate the time because CHS has not had many incidents.

Anyone have any experience with drug-sniffing dogs in other towns?

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tim...are you serious? Having a drug sniffing dog in CHS is a joke. How many drug related arrests have their been at CHS? Sounds like BOE needs more to do. My daughter is in the 8th grade and has never even seen a fight in school.