Thursday, June 29, 2006

Doing Well vs. Doing Good

That was the headline of a Wall Street Journal article today (by Sue Shellenbarger). The article struck me. It was about a growing frustration level between recent college grads and their parents. The college grads want to "do good" and leave the world a better place. Their parents want them to "do well" financially. A career development professional mentioned that "Today's young adults, who came of age post-Sept. 11, tend to profess greater altruism than the previous generation, who focused more on individual achievement and attainment."

I'm not sure if this is true, but I'm happy if these young adults are becoming a bunch of do-gooders.

Tim White

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tim - This is a short sighted policy. You should support new ideas that will help the pool operate better and use less money.