Monday, May 03, 2010

Flashback: How the Council learned about the union report

Last fall, I detailed some of the indications of problems at the PD in this post. But I didn't really highlight the chronology of events of issue in particular - the report from the union to the TM. To recap:

1) May 21 - The union gives a report to the TM. The report voiced concerns about the Union / Chief relationship.

2) Memorial Day weekend - I learned of the report.

3) 2nd Tuesday in June - The Council's regular meeting occurs, but there is no mention of the report either in public session or executive session.

4) 4th Tuesday in June - The Council has a special meeting, but there is no mention of the report either in public session or executive session.

5) Early July - I contact the TM and ask about the report.

6) 2nd Tuesday in July - The Council's regular meeting occurs and the report is discussed in executive session.

7) This spring - the report is made public.

It seems to me that I should not have had to ask about the report. In my opinion, the TM should have had the good judgment to bring the report to attention of the full Council.

Tim White

And on a totally unrelated note, but since I try to be fair... I have to give props to the TM for an update I got from him on something he did recently. Not going to bother with the details, but wanted to mention it.


Anonymous said...

Did you see the front page of the Record Journal? Chief Dortenzio stated I costs $60,000-70,000 to train 1 officer. We already need 2 and possibly as many as 3 more to maintain our current staffing. We may have to spend $120,000 to $350,000 to stay safe.

If the officers are kept happy, we can save money by keeping the ones we have.

Anonymous said...

Why not dump the police dept and save the money? Hire private police, it would be cheaper.