Monday, May 24, 2010

Council Planning Committee agenda - May 24

Here's the agenda for tonight's Planning Committee agenda:Jimmy Sima has a lot on his plate... and he's agreed to help me with something that I've wanted to see happen for years.

After the Energy Commission meeting adjourned, I attended part of the Planning meeting. There was talk of a 150' to 180' cell tower going at the sewer treatment plant. The options discussed for prettying up the tower were:

1) one of those silly looking pine trees they have down on the Merrit / Hutch; and

2) a big flag pole... problem with that is the flag is ginormous... and it'd need to stay up 24 hours and lighted and it wears out quickly.

I understand the barn will probably be demolished.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

What or who is behind the Route 10 Traffic Study?

Tim White said...

I think it's basically Jimmy trying to get the state DOT to get the traffic light sequence timed properly.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if that will happen until the current gas line construction through the center is complete and then there is the matter of the mass crossings at CHS, which take time away from the north/south traffic flow.

The request to the DOT would likely either come from and/or have to be signed off by the Town's Traffic Authority (Police Chief).

Breachway said...

But lets keep adding more traffic to the problem: Bartlem Park ball fields, proposed prison ball fields, north end "mall", turf field with quadruple the amount of events(snicker,snicker)....