Tuesday, October 05, 2010

HDC proposes changes to Giddings' ORC

Anne Giddings' Ordinance Review Committee met tonight. I attended the discussion regarding the Historic District Commission.

Considering the concerns of many HD residents, the HDC suggested some changes. In particular, the HDC is recommending:

1) elaborating on the definition of the phrase "minor change"and

2) allowing for one staff member to the HDC and one HDC member to determine if something falls within that definition.

I know the sole staff member. So my immediate question was:

Who is the HDC member?

The answer was that the intention is for the Chair -- and the Vice Chair, when the Chair is unavailable -- to make the determinations on "minor changes."

The goal of this change would be to reduce approval time for minor changes in household upkeep.

But in another light, it increases the power of the Chairman. And that's not something to which I'm particularly favorable.

Tim White

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