Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fritz / Abbate: slush funds & turf

When asked if -- in an effort to balance the budget -- she would defund the turf grant, Mary Fritz explains that we just don't understand... the $525,000 isn't really in the budget! It's really just a debt service line item in a future budget... NBD!

Thanks Mary for letting us know just how stupid we are!

Kinda reminds me of the September 2005 LTTE from Steve Carroll explaining the difference between the operating costs of the school budget and the capital costs of the linear trail... a letter which was soon followed by a resident chastising Steve for his letter. And in the audience tonight I already had one unaffiliated voter tell me "spending is spending... what doesn't she understand?"

Thank you Mary for putting the 90th district in play! She's so arrogant and she doesn't even know it.

And here's Richard Abbate's response... which I think may have been his best comments of the night...

I thank you Richard for standing up to Mary.

UPDATE: Here's the question I posed... The August 3, 2008 Waterbury Republican American editorial described the “discretionary funds” in Hartford as “slush funds.” Cheshire’s $525,000 turf originated from these “discretionary funds.” Since this money has not yet been spent, do you support or oppose defunding the turf project in an effort to balance the state budget?

Tim White

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is as dumb as a rock for making that sort of statement.

People who feel that is logical are the same ones who have credit card bills so high they can barely pay the minimum due.

Terrible to think that we have a lawmaker who doesn't realize that $525,000 is a lot of money for a state that is in financial trouble. That is why she can't go back to Haqrtford.
Lets hope that there are enough people out there who will see through her ignorance and elect Abbate.