Saturday, September 23, 2006

Unfunded "local" mandate?

While I rail against unfunded state & federal mandates, wouldn't this be the equivalent of an unfunded local mandate? Several years ago, I saw a show on the Discovery Channel about the growing problem of feral cats... in England, I believe. And while this article mentions a Cheshire farm with a real feral cat problem (100+ feral cats is a problem in my mind), that doesn't necessarily translate into a $75 fee per cat.

People are already having a major problem keeping up with property taxes. And while I have no cats myself, what about the many people who have two or three cats? If they don't get their cats fixed, it would mean an additional $150-225 in fees (another name for a tax) per household? I'll certainly listen to everyone, but I find it difficult to see anyone making an argument for this fee that I would support. There must be another way to deal with feral cats. Any suggestions?

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District


Anonymous said...

We refuse to attempt to give the seniors and/or income restricted families a tax break, but we are willing to spend money on feral cats. hat has this community turned into?

I suggest opening up a live target range, charge a fee for use. We reduce the population of the feral cats and reduce tax increases. The Town could take a piece of Open Space, turn it into a pet cemetery, charge for plots and earn more money. Funds could be used for artifical turf in the cemetery to reduce operating expenses, mowing and fertilizer costs. Solar power installed for night lighting to extend visitation hours. The land not planned for immediate burial use could house UTC fuel cells; as they appear to be free of charge; to power nearby homes. Of course the homes would only pay 50% of their electricity costs, the other 50% could go to pay for higher property taxes that will occur because no matter how much revenue the Town takes in, the politicians feel it necessary to spend more.

Anonymous said...

Anoy 10:24 Your bright?

Anonymous said...

anon should be "you're" bright not "your" bright.