Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sr tax freeze 9/21

Tonight, the Cheshire Town Council's Ordinance Review Committee had an interesting meeting on the petition for a senior tax freeze. There was a surprisingly large crowd tonight... probably 30-40 people.

The jist of the meeting was... the town attorney, John Knott, recommended against action by the Council because he felt that the petition did not abide by state law. (It got a bit detailed, but I think that's a fair assessment.) Mr. Knott's recommendation was challenged by several town residents. The Ordinance Review Committee forwarded the Town Attorney's recommendation to the full council. Specifically, the recommendation called for no action by the Council.

I'm not certain what will happen next Tuesday, but it seems as though no action will be taken on the petition due to legal issues. Regardless, based on comments I've heard from Council members, I expect something will be happening with senior tax relief... if not a complete freeze for some.

What I found most surprising was when I asked the crowd if they simply wanted a senior tax freeze or if they also wanted a referendum question. The response from the crowd seemed to be that they wanted a referendum question on the ballot in November... regardless of whether a senior tax freeze had already been implemented. In other words, the people at the meeting wanted another way to be heard.

I'm not sure if the Council can simply put a question on the ballot, but I think it always makes sense to ask people for input. And if that includes putting out a question to referendum, then I think that's worthwhile... obviously, it would need to be legal. But a clear statement could be sent by the voters this way.

Also... I'd be curious to know if any question could be put out to referendum. There are lots of other questions that I'd love to put out to referendum.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District


Anonymous said...

Give the people a referundum!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a joke!!!

Anonymous said...

After people paid to educate the Senior's children, they don't want to pay to educate other children. It's offensive, the greatest generation now wants handouts at the expense of families. They should be embaressed by what happened last night.

Anonymous said...

Freeze the property tax for the seniors. I have no children in the school system so you can increase my taxes slightly to compensate for the seniors on a fixed income. Seniors need the help especially with the rising energy costs. Those of us who are not of the retirement age can always go out and get a second job to make ends meet. You are suppose to enjoy your retirement years and not worry about how you are going to pay your bills. Medical expenses keep going up for the seniors and the tax freeze might compensate for medical expenses and keep them in our town. They deserve to be able to live in the town where most of them have paid taxes for at least 30 years or more.

Anonymous said...

So this group of Seniors is the first to face this or is it the first group that is looking for government to bail them out? I am not sure of the answer. As proposed the increase would not have been slight and who did those Seniors pay for breaks to? No one. It is all about not wanting to pay for education which should benefit everyone.

Anonymous said...

Don't say the seniors don't want to pay to educate other people's're just trying to pit one group against another. Besides, the seniors and some soon to be seniors who have lived in this town all their lives have been paying taxes for 30 - 40 years or more. Seems to me, they've paid to educate LOTS of children. They are due a tax break. Let me guess, you've been in town 8 - 10 years or so, think spending more on education will make it better, and don't really care who can't afford the tax increases. Stick around...for 30 - 40 years.....then maybe you'll want a tax freeze for think?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:54 AM - The only thing offensive is your ignorance.

Anon 10:50 PM - Well said.

Anonymous said...

Tim, I'm a bit surprised you did not know the Seniors wanted the referendum on the ballot as a greater issue than getting a tax break. You should spend more time focusing on local politics and stay away from national political insanity. Our Town policians do not want public input, especially through a referendum, unless it is guarranteed to pass and allow spending of money.

People in Town need tax relief based on income, not age. Income is a fair way of establishing taxation levels. As you increase income your property tax increases. As a senior, your income stays the same or is lowered, so are you taxes.

We forget, although we have a democratic system, we are really a republic. In a republic; banana or the US, the elected officials make the decisions, not the general public.

Tim White said...

anon 10:33pm... yup... it caught me by surprise. It wasn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last time. I just try to pick up on things the best I can.

As for national/state politics & this blog... I can't help but talk about Chris Shays. I just really respect him and always find myself reading articles about his race.