Saturday, September 30, 2006

Prescription for prescriptions?

Walmart is planning on using its buying power to help its employees and customers begin saving money on prescription drugs. With 1.3 million employees and nearly every American citizen as a customer, Walmart may be part of the solution to our sky-rocketing prescription drug costs in America.

This Courant editorial explains.

The one thing I get from Walmart's action... public pressure works. I imagine that part of the driving force here was a reaction by Walmart to all the negative publicity they've recently received on their healthcare benefits. So to me, this is proof positive that we, as a nation, can make a difference. We can do better. But we, including our public officials, must be willing to use the bully pulpit.

Tim White
State Rep candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Cheshire bank expands

Cheshire's Apple Valley bank is opening a branch in Wallingford (NH Register, by Luther Turmelle).

Tim White
State Rep candidate
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Friday, September 29, 2006

CBIA endorsement

The Connecticut Business and Industry Association (CBIA) has announced its endorsements for state legislative offices. I made their list.

The endorsed candidates who hope to represent at least one of the three towns in the 89th are:

89 - White (R)
90 - Fritz (D)
103 - Adinolfi (R)

13 - Gaffey (D)
15 - Hartley (D)
16 - Caligiuri (R)

So it's an even split among Rs & Ds. Although I'll point out that I'm the only candidate challenging an incumbent. All things considered though, I'm not all that surprised that my opponent was not endorsed by the CBIA.

Tim White
State Rep candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Sr tax freeze 9/29

Here's the take on the petition for a senior tax freeze from some of the local press, including the Herald (by Leslie Hutchison) and the Record-Journal (by Tiffany Aron).

Tim White
State Rep candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Project 100 green light

The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund's Project 100 has been given the green light. Hopefully Cheshire will get back word on the pool's UTC fuel cell proposal in the near future.

Tim White
State Rep candidate
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Prospect sewers OK'd?

The developer, Toll Bros, of the 366-unit senior housing project (to be built in Prospect on the Waterbury line) appears to be moving forward. It seems as though Toll Bros. has agreed to increase the amount of money they'll be paying to Waterbury as the fee to hookup to their sewers.

Tim White
State Rep candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Council meeting 9/26

The Council had some interesting items on the agenda tonight, including:

1) rejection of the pool consultant (Waterbury Rep Am, by Lauresha Xhihani). Basically, the response to the March Request for Proposals didn't get the desired response. The desire was to find one consultant to both increase the revenue (the program/services) side and decrease the expense (mainly energy/heating) side. But Parks & Rec got only two responses, each of which addressed only one side. So now the idea is to speak with USA Swimming, a not-for-profit group specializing in keeping tax-subsidized pools afloat. The vote was unanimous.

2) rejection of the senior tax freeze petition. The Town Attorney, John Knott, recommended to the Council that the petition be rejected. The Council agreed and rejected the petition unanimously. I didn't say anything during the meeting because others had already conveyed my sentiments: there is a real desire among the members of the Council to do better. As well, the conversation started getting into state issues. And I just felt uncomfortable using a Council meeting to discuss state issues. In the past, I may very well have made comments about the state, but... all things considered, I just felt it could have come across the wrong way. So I decided against saying anything of that nature.

3) hiring of a new Town Attorney, Dwight Johnson. Dwight is a partner at Murtha Cullina LLP. Dwight is scheduled to be named the Town Attorney on January 1. Until then, John Knott will continue on as Town Attorney with Dwight as Special Counsel. Then the title will be changed with John becoming Special Counsel. The whole idea is to have a gradual transition that does what is best for the town. The Council Chairman, Matt Hall, deserves a lot of credit for having made this happen so gracefully and quietly. This was another unanimous vote.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District

Monday, September 25, 2006

Canyon de Chelly

Given the opportunity to visit Canyon de Chelly (AP, by Beth Harpaz), you should. I visited in 1994. Right after college, I drove cross country and was drawn there... Not only is the canyon gorgeous, the drive there is through Marlboro country... red rock & buttes, as far as the eye can see. It may be nothing special to someone who grew up in the southwest. But if like me, you grew up in the green, rolling hills of The Nutmeg State, you'd almost certainly enjoy the trip.

Tim White

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A lack of energy

This article (Courant, by David Lightman) on Washington gridlock is very interesting. It explains why it can be so (politically) difficult to pass federal legislation.

(House Majority Leader) Boehner was just as pessimistic
about the chances this year for meaningful energy legislation. Bush made headlines in January when he told a joint session of Congress "America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world."
He then laid out a series of steps to break that addiction. But no major energy measures, such as those that deal with price gouging, strict conservation standards, and helping refineries increase capacity, are scheduled for consideration this week.

It's nearly impossible to get agreement on broad energy measures, said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-4th District. Too many special interests - notably members from states where the auto industry is an important employer and members from oil-producing states - make it hard to find common ground.

"Put all of them together and it's hard to get enough votes to get us off our dependence on oil or get bills passed to promote conservation," Shays said.

I can't think of a more compelling argument for Connecticut to take action, as Governor Rell has suggested... well... other than the U.S. Constitution and the 10th amendment.

Shays mentions the problem with federal legislation and the special interests in oil & auto states. Connecticut is neither. So why don't we take action in Connecticut? My guess is that "energy issues" are too complicated for most of our state legislators. They probably just don't want to take the time to understand them. That's unacceptable in my book.

I know we can do better.

Tim White
State Rep candidate
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Imaging test

Unfunded "local" mandate?

While I rail against unfunded state & federal mandates, wouldn't this be the equivalent of an unfunded local mandate? Several years ago, I saw a show on the Discovery Channel about the growing problem of feral cats... in England, I believe. And while this article mentions a Cheshire farm with a real feral cat problem (100+ feral cats is a problem in my mind), that doesn't necessarily translate into a $75 fee per cat.

People are already having a major problem keeping up with property taxes. And while I have no cats myself, what about the many people who have two or three cats? If they don't get their cats fixed, it would mean an additional $150-225 in fees (another name for a tax) per household? I'll certainly listen to everyone, but I find it difficult to see anyone making an argument for this fee that I would support. There must be another way to deal with feral cats. Any suggestions?

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District

Shays/Farrell 9/23

Elections tend to be a referendum on the incumbent. And this article (Courant, by Josh Kovner) seems to do a really good job explaining why people support or oppose Chris Shays. Personally, I think Diane Farrell probably gets a lot more "anti-Shays" support, than "pro-Farrell" support.

As for me, I still respect Shays a great deal.

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Friday, September 22, 2006

Cheshire speedway

Cheshire's Frank Ruocco is doing well in the Stafford Motor Speedway season. (WRA, by Roger Cleaveland)

Tim White
State Rep candidate
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Prospect / Wtby sewers

Waterbury wants more money from Prospect for the proposed sewer hookup. (WRA, by Jodie Mozdzer and Steve Gambini)

Tim White
State Rep candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sr tax freeze 9/21

Tonight, the Cheshire Town Council's Ordinance Review Committee had an interesting meeting on the petition for a senior tax freeze. There was a surprisingly large crowd tonight... probably 30-40 people.

The jist of the meeting was... the town attorney, John Knott, recommended against action by the Council because he felt that the petition did not abide by state law. (It got a bit detailed, but I think that's a fair assessment.) Mr. Knott's recommendation was challenged by several town residents. The Ordinance Review Committee forwarded the Town Attorney's recommendation to the full council. Specifically, the recommendation called for no action by the Council.

I'm not certain what will happen next Tuesday, but it seems as though no action will be taken on the petition due to legal issues. Regardless, based on comments I've heard from Council members, I expect something will be happening with senior tax relief... if not a complete freeze for some.

What I found most surprising was when I asked the crowd if they simply wanted a senior tax freeze or if they also wanted a referendum question. The response from the crowd seemed to be that they wanted a referendum question on the ballot in November... regardless of whether a senior tax freeze had already been implemented. In other words, the people at the meeting wanted another way to be heard.

I'm not sure if the Council can simply put a question on the ballot, but I think it always makes sense to ask people for input. And if that includes putting out a question to referendum, then I think that's worthwhile... obviously, it would need to be legal. But a clear statement could be sent by the voters this way.

Also... I'd be curious to know if any question could be put out to referendum. There are lots of other questions that I'd love to put out to referendum.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Budget referendum split

Oxford is in a heated debate. The question posed is whether to bifurcate their town and school budgets when sent to referendum (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Quannah Leonard). If we were doing this here in Cheshire, I would solidly support splitting the two. It would provide for more accountability.

Tim White
State Representative candidate
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Seniors' healthcare costs up

Seniors are healthcare costs are expected to rise. (Courant, by Diane Levick)

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Monday, September 18, 2006

Prospect man helps needy

Here's a group of men who are "killing two birds with one stone." (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Peter Stone) They help control deer populations, then donate the remains to the local food bank.

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Money for energy

Here's yet another article (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Brigitte Ruthman) describing money ($5million) that the state is spending on farms. However, it doesn't seem to have any link to energy.

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Campaigns 9/16

Joe Lieberman gave a speech on terrorism. (Courant, by Mark Pazniokas) He did not address Iraq. That is to be saved for another speech.

In another political story, State Senator Chris Murphy gave the Democratic response to President Bush's weekly radio address (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Michael Puffer). I'm wondering if Congresswoman Nancy Johnson will be afforded anything similar from the Republican party.

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Friday, September 15, 2006

Underage drinking panel

The Cheshire/Wallingford League of Women Voters will be sponsoring a panel on the problems of underage drinking. The topic of discussion: Underage Drinking in Cheshire and Wallingford - Is it a problem?

Sept. 27, Wednesday, 7:15 PM

Ashlar Village, Wallingford- Activity Room in the Main building-Bridge House

Craig Turner - the Public Side of the Issue
Dr. Rick Johnson - the Health Side of the Issue
Officer Bill Fountain - the Law Enforcement Side of the Issue
Guidance Counselor - the Educational Side of the Issue

For more info, please visit Cheshire Cares, the website of Cheshire's Human Services Committee.

Tim White
Town Council, Human Services Committee liaison

Iraq & the CT CDs

Reporters grilled Chris Shays on Iraq. (Courant, by David Lightman) in Connecticut's 4th Congressional District race.

Joe Courtney is trying to tie Rob Simmons to President Bush and the war in Iraq (Journal Inquirer, by Don Michak) in our 2nd Congressional District race.

I haven't seen anything lately about the war and either of the two races in the 89th District, Rosa Delauro's 1st CD & Nancy Johnson's 5th CD.

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

War & oil (part IV)

As I've been saying, America is at war, largely because of our dependence on Mideast oil.

In order to get out of the Middle east, we'll need to reduce, then end, that dependence. In order to do that, I think the CT legislature should get serious about moving to alternative fuels, such as ethanol.

In order to move to ethanol, CT needs to manufacture, distribute and consume ethanol locally. In previous posts, I've addressed the manufacturing and consumption aspects. But we also need to


By "distibute," I mean we need alternative fuel stations across the state. And now some Q&A that may help make that happen...

Currently, how many ethanol (e85) fueling stations exist in CT?

Zero. (And therein lies the key hurdle in creating a real distribution network: CTs lack of fueling stations.)

Why don't any exist in Connecticut?

I blame the state legislature. While Governor Rell called for action on "energy issues" last January, the legislature decided that banning soda in schools was more important. Although, in fairness, it may not have been a conscious decision to ignore "energy issues." Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if the majority simply found the task too daunting. Or perhaps they were afraid of confronting Big Oil. Or maybe there was another reason? If so, I can't fathom what it is. Regardless, whatever the answer, their inaction is unacceptable. When it comes to energy, the legislative majority has failed Connecticut.

Have other states "gotten it right?"

Yes. Here is an example of what's happened in Indiana just this year. And here is some more info on how, unlike Nutmeggers, Hoosiers are getting it right. (Indiana added 28 e85 fueling stations from mid-2005 to mid-2006.)

How do we get the fueling stations?

The two most straightforward answers are:

1) build new infrastructure (in other words, cut pavement and put in new "islands")--this is cost-prohibitive. The cost could easily exceed $100,000 per island/station. Or

2) convert existing infrastructure (clean out existing underground tanks and aboveground pumps and use them for alt fuels)--I believe this makes economic sense. This would likely cost from $2,000 to $15,000 per existing pump/tank and require a new law be written (Big Oil would likely view it as a slap in the face).

So what's my plan for the state to address both CT's and America's dependence on Mideast oil?

1) Pass legislation similar to that recently signed by Governor George Pataki (NY). This legislation would prohibit "exclusivity clauses" in gas station contracts. These are the clauses in the franchise agreements that prohibit the small business (gas station) owner from selling any fuel other than that offered by the Big Oil company. Put differently, if you own a gas station, you're not allowed to sell anything other than the fuel offered by the Big Oil company. You know... the one whose name is on the gas station island's canopy (i.e. Mobil, BP, Shell, Citgo, etc.).

2) Promote the federal tax credits (30%) provided for converting a gas station to offer an alternative fuel. (The Energy Policy Act of 2005 contains a new federal tax credit to assist with the installation of equipment and infrastructure to dispense E85 at retail outlets. This new incentive provides a 30 percent federal income tax credit, up to a maximum of $30,000, to assist with the establishment of alternative fuel infrastructure, including equipment necessary to dispense E85. This tax credit became effective in 2006 and is scheduled to expire December 31, 2008. Contact the Internal Revenue Service for more information about this tax credit.)

3) Add state tax credits (perhaps another 30%) that would further encourage conversion.

4) Promote, promote, promote! In my opinion, increasing public awareness is critical to making anything happen.

Some other thoughts:

Is the conversion technologically feasible?

Yes. 90% of gas stations built since 1990 (or so) are conversion-friendly.

How many gas stations would convert?

I'm not sure. But we have approximately 1100 gas stations in Connecticut. (I think there are about 13-15 gas stations in Bethany, Cheshire and Prospect.) I believe that with increased public awareness, gas stations across the state would begin to convert when they knew they had a ready supply of an alt fuel. (That's why we need to simultaneously address the manufacturing component.)

Why would a gas station owner want to convert?

Small business owners want to make money. Concurrent with the rise in gas prices, premium gas sales have fallen. In other states, gas stations are converting their premium gas tank/pumps. This is largely a profit-driven motive. If you're not making any money selling premium gas, you can't make any less money selling ethanol. But you might be able to make a profit.

How much would it cost the state taxpayers?

Based on the above estimates and adding some assumptions:

One tank/pump conversion: $10,000
30% state tax credit: $3,000
Stations in year one: 50
Total cost in year one: $150,000

Would that be an increase in spending?

Not necessarily. If we think big picture and address the manufacturing, distribution and consumption components together, it may very well not increase spending. Perhaps the $60,000,000 farm grant (or the $1billion state surplus) could cover it. (With this, my first goal is really to jumpstart a discussion and see where it leads.)

As I wrote above, America is at war largely because of our dependence on Mideast oil. Ultimately our only way out of the middle east is by ending that dependence.

Tim White
State Representative candidate
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Politics today

Linc Chafee won (Providence Journal, by MacKay, Arsenault & Gregg) his Rhode Island primary.

First George Bush (Sr.) came stumping for Rob Simmons last week. Now Barbara Bush is stumping for Chris Shays (Courant, by Chris Keating).

Tim White
State Representative candidate
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Council meeting 9/12

There were several items on the agenda tonight.

The senior tax freeze got sent the Ordinance Review Committee. They (Esty--Chair, Ecke & Orsini) will have a meeting on this topic on Thursday Sept 21 (location to be decided).

The firehouse design passed 7-2 (Ruocco, Schrumm opposed).

During liaison reports, I mentioned that the town has had 100 households sign up for clean energy. Therefore, the town receive a free photovoltaic array (solar panel) valued at $20,000. It's estimated that it will generate $400 worth of electricity annually, saving the town's taxpayers that money. Click here to sign up.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th district

Town meetings

Leaders from Prospect and Waterbury (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Steve Gambini) met last night on the proposed sewer hookup.

The Cheshire Town Council meets tonight for the regular September meeting.

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Cheshire's open space

Here's another map that I've wanted to post for a while. It's a depiction of where Cheshire's open space lies. With Dedominicus included, I'm guessing this is fairly current. Although, I'm not sure if this includes Betty Ives' farm.

The total value of the town-owned open space is about $10-11million. If you hear the number $15million, it probably includes town-purchased properties that are now developed. That is, I believe the town has bought land, then built something on it... perhaps the Byam Road firehouse or Public Works garage? There are some properties like that. But I wouldn't call them "open space."

Tim White
State Representative candidate
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Every town: Prospect

Last week, WFSB's Scott Haney did his "Every Town has a Story" segment on Prospect. Of course, the Prospect Dairy Bar was featured.

Also featured were the volunteer Fire Department & Hotchkiss House and the VFW and Plumbs Farm.

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Prospect & Cheshire

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Blogging going mainstream

I know I only started this blog back in January, but everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Gennady Sheyner) now. I just hope that the candidates actually use them for interaction.

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sewer map

Here's something that I had wanted to post a while ago, but wasn't sure how to do it.

This is a map of Cheshire's sewer system. If you click on the map, you'll be able to read the legend.

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Toying with imaging

And now I'm just having some fun with this imaging stuff... my girlfriend, Danielle, took this picture with her camera on primary night. So now that I just took the time to figure out how to add photos, I figured I'd add this.

Tim White State Representative candidate (R-89) Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Open forum 9/8

Saturday morning at 9am will be the official "handshake" of the Bethany/Cheshire clean energy competition. Then at 11am, the Cheshire Chamber of Commerce's annual fall festival will kickoff. The day will wrap up with fireworks on Saturday evening.

The Prospect police officer who was recently injured in Prospect is back on duty (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Quannah Leonard).

One of Cheshire's cross country runners (NH Register, by Joe Morelli), Irene Kalbian, is among the best in the state. Even my old coach, Rob Schaefer, seems to think so.

Southington is dealing with the West Nile virus (Record- Journal, by Jesse Smolin).

The Cheshire post office seems to be moving forward (Cheshire Herald, by Leslie Hutchison).

Kids in Motion, the non-profit org intended to help provide physical activities for special needs children, is moving forward with their goal of raising money for a playground at Bartlem Park (Cheshire Herald, by Shannon Becker).

Right near my house, someone is planning on doing a whole lot of excavation in Hamden (Cheshire Herald, by Leslie Hutchison) on the Cheshire line.

And finally, while Democrats want to win back the US Senate majority, one of their own, Sen. Maria Cantwell, is having some problems (AP, by Matthew Daly and John Solomon) in her race.

What else is happening in and around the 89th district?

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Underage alcohol & drug use

The Human Services Committee and their related website, Cheshire Cares, recently published the following story:


The parents of Sam Spady are hoping that the death of their 19 year old daughter will not be in vain. They are hoping you will talk to your children, know their friends and, most importantly, teach them the dangers of binge drinking.

Binge drinking kills more than 1,400 college students each year. The epidemic is growing at high schools, colleges and universities across the nation. Samantha Spady, who had loving parents, adoring friends, was a homecoming queen and class president, became a victim of this alarming statistic in the summer of 2004 when she shared too many shots of vanilla flavored vodka, passed out and died alone inside a fraternity house. Her friends left her to “sleep it off”, she was NEVER checked on, and her dead body was not discovered for hours. Her parents will always wonder and remain convinced that if proper medical attention had been sought, their daughter would be alive today.

An important message that the Spadys, and the Cheshire Coalition to Stop Underage Drinking, would like to get across to parents and teens is the warning signs of alcohol poisoning. Call 911 if a person has any of the following symptoms:

1. Unconscious or semiconscious

2. Breathing less than 10 times per minute or irregular (check every two minutes)

3. Cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin

4. Can’t be awakened by pinching, prodding or shouting

5. Vomiting without waking up

Please remember to NEVER leave an intoxicated person alone and that the LEGAL drinking age is 21.
For more information on Samantha Spady, please visit

This message has been submitted by the Cheshire Coalition to Stop Underage Drinking. If you are interested in becoming a member of this community coalition focused on preventing underage drinking and its consequences in the community of Cheshire please contact Cheshire Youth & Social Services at 271-6690 or by e-mail at All coalition meetings are open to the public and are generally held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Yellow House.

And in a somewhat related story, drug use by baby boomers is up, while drug use by kids is down (AP, by Kevin Freking).

Tim White
Town Council, Human Services Committee Liaison

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Gulf oil reserve: "huge" defined

With news of a "huge" oil reserve (AP, by Brad Foss) found in the Gulf of Mexico, it begs the question “What does 'huge' mean?”

To understand, here are some US numbers:

Barrels of oil
Barrels consumed per day: 20,000,000
Barrels consumed per year: 7,300,000,000
Estimated barrels in the new reserve: 3billion - 15billion
Estimated time to consume: 5 months to 2 years
(Estimated time to consume ANWR reserves: 6 months)

Gallons of gasoline (in terms of barrels of oil)
Gallons of oil per barrel of oil: 42
Refined gallons of gas per barrel of oil: 19-20

Approximate annual US gas consumption (7.3B barrels x 20gal): 140 billion gallons

Average American household consumption (The following numbers are rounded. Their purpose is to show reasonableness.)
Estimated number of households in the US: 140,000,000
Gallons of gas consumed per US household per year: 1,000
Gallons of gas consumed per US household per day: 3

Reserve size
Estimated US oil reserves: 29 billion barrels (29 / 7.3 = 4 years supply)

Estimated Saudi oil reserves: 250 billion barrels (34 years supply… if only the US, but that’s not the case.)

So it is fair to say that this reserve increases America's oil reserve by 50% (from 4 years to 6 years). But when I look at these numbers, I don't see this as a panacea. Rather, I see this as enabling us to kick the can down the road. At times that may be the best thing to do. However, with America at war, largely because of our dependence on Mideast oil, I feel we must take action now to reduce (then end) our dependence.

Can we make it happen? Well, it was once said:

"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out..." - Pres. Kennedy, May 25, 1961, on sending a man to the moon

We can and should do it. And whether or not Washington acts, Connecticut can and should take action. Lucky for us, our Legislature knows what is truly important. Could you imagine if it was still legal to sell soda in school?

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

p.s. In retrospect, I really should have referenced my statistics. However, I didn't keep track of everything. And I cannot attest to all the numbers, but wouldn't post them if I felt that they were incorrect or even just misleading. Simply put... I'm pretty sure everything here is fair and/or accurate.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Radio vs. print

I was pretty put off this morning during the morning rush hour commute. There seemed to be a lot of talk about the "Croc Hunter," Steve Irwin dying. And while I feel terrible for him and his family, CT was simultaneously burying one American soldier from Milford and being informed of another fallen soldier from Enfield.

Steve Irwin's untimely death was sad, but the emphasis seemed wrong. It just didn't seem to be as of great a significance as two young men having given their lives for America.

Then I looked at the papers when I got to work. The Hartford Courant, New Haven Register and Bridgeport's Connecticut Post all had the soldiers as the prominent story. It was nice to see that the newspapers got it right.

The Courant has this list of Connecticut's fallen soldiers (Afghanistan & Iraq).

Tim White

Monday, September 04, 2006

Open forum 9/4

It's Labor Day. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

The Prospect Senior Center (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Paul Singley) will be have the grand opening of their addition on Sept 10 from 3-5pm.

Are CTs congressional candidates avoiding a vigorous debate on the war (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Paul Hughes)? I'm not sure. Although I certainly haven't seen any ads from either Congresswoman Nancy Johnson or State Sen. Chris Murphy. Considering how much I hear about it though, I find it hard to believe that any congressional candidates are avoiding this discussion.

There's continued talk of Joe Lieberman being the de facto Republican candidate (NH Register, by Gregory Hladky). And while I'm knocking on doors, this is what I hear from lots of people.

Cheshire's own Whole Foods warehouse is going green (Record Journal, by Jennifer Manes). I believe their "grand opening" for their new solar panels (a.k.a. Photovoltaic arrays or PVs) is tomorrow.

Anything else happening?

Tim White
State Representative candidate (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect

Friday, September 01, 2006

Prospect sewer meeting rescheduled

The Prospect Town Council has tentatively rescheduled the meeting for the Waterbury sewer hookup until Sept 19 (Waterbury Rep-Am, by Joanne Pelton). Since Waterbury's Board of Aldermen has scheduled a meeting for Sept 11, the idea is to wait until after that meeting to get more information.

Tim White
State Representative nominee (R-89)
Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect