Monday, October 15, 2007

U-Verse and cable

The battles of AT&T and their new U-Verse service (NHR, by Luther Turmelle) are probably just beginning.

Dick Blumenthal is considering taking action. Cox and Comcast will likely be asking questions. The DPUC is almost certainly getting involved. Others will probably get into it too.

Regardless, I saw the AT&T lineman on Bradford Drive a week or so ago. He was preparing the lines to offer their cable tv and cable internet services. And speaking of their new service...

Scott Hanley, who manages Wallingford’s town government access channel, said AT&T is requiring local access programing providers to make a one-time expenditure of $5,000 to buy an encoding device and between $2,100 and $3,000 a year for the town to have dedicated high-speed Internet lines. (H/T to PT!)
It's interesting to see how the technology field is taking shape, including how government access will be delivered to homes. For me, if enough houses used AT&T, then such an expenditure may be worthwhile. I'd need to learn more.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District

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