Friday, October 12, 2007

Parking: stop it or stack it

The proposed north end residential continues to be one of the hottest topics in town. And you may know that I've been saying that with regard to the proposed residential, PZC should "stop it or stack it." Anyway, I did mention that to the developer and his response was that you then end up with a conflict for parking spaces... that is, at certain times of day (probably 5pm-10pm) the retail customers and residents compete for parking spaces... and the retailers don't like that. So...

Here's my idea for dealing with that parking issue...
...stack the residential and the parking! It would be straightforward. You'd just need to add a second level of parking for, say, residents. Then you give them a "keycard" for access to their reserved spots. And if the reserved parking spaces are close enough to the housing, I'm sure people would prefer to use them over the retail spots.

Of course, I'm sure others have thought of this. I mean, this isn't rocket science... so why wouldn't this be an obvious alternative to the addition of more impervious surfaces? Well, I think I got the answer...

I was speaking with someone who I consider knowledgeable on this type of construction and he said it's... $30,000 per elevated parking spot. So I've got to assume that cost is the issue... it's cheaper to put a parking spot on the ground, than it is to put a parking spot 15ft above the ground.

As for me, I still say stop it or stack it, including the parking.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

Tim, the plan calls for 150-160 residential units. That's a great deal of stacking, I for one do not think residential should have been allowed in the first place. As you said in the beginning a few apartments above the stores would have been fine but not what their proposing.

Anonymous said...

It's a great idea. I can imagine all the school buses driving down those quaint lanterned streets with the kids waiting on benches. And, the kids could play stick ball in the street, just like a real urban mixed use community. And, they could use the parking lots as playgrounds. This is a much better idea than W/S's as their current plan doesn't have any place for kids to play.

Anonymous said...

Wow the kids will love it there, it will be a great place. Maybe that is why there won't be so many.

Anonymous said...

160 units= new elementary school @$60M

Cheshire needs business, not bedrooms.

Anonymous said...

Hey the kids will grow up faster and after 9 they'll have gotten a lifetime of experience. There will be something to do all day and night.

Anonymous said...

Yes and as you can see from the above posting an example of the CAVEMEN of Cheshire an extint group that seems to being trying to make a comeback
This species died out around 2005 due to a 0 budget and vast bitterness which drove them to minority status
Sometimes seen on chan 15 on Cheshire central

Anonymous said...

How about parking under the 3000 seat theatre? That's what on the table. What a bad place for a garage. That's almost 10% of our towns population. The movie industry is not on an upward trend. What are they truly thinking?

Anonymous said...

better to live in a cave than to end up taxed out of house and home

hundreds of units of high density housing is your idea of progress I Cheshire in 2015 can resemble Waterbury in 1990?

Anonymous said...

anon 8:54 Get your facts straight. By the way CAVEMEN are great in the TV commercials.

Anonymous said...


If to be judged by your the way you spell and construct a sentence I have to believe you live in a spider hole below the cave door.

The zero stuff is a lie albeit an effective lie in 2005.

Anonymous said...

8:54 re. post 11:26

I too occassionaly neglect to proof read my posts and my previous post bears that out. Make no mistake I really do think you are a narrow minded liberal but I must concede I am not perfect either.

Anonymous said...

zero budget means zero increase
It was just that nothing more or less
That cannot be disputed
It took place and the consequences were dire for the schrumm/orsini boys

Anonymous said...

and beating them up now makes as much sense as campaigning against the policies of the Eisenhower era

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Orsini and Schrumm. They had the guts to stand up for the good of Cheshire and against the special intersts.

Hall. Estey, Alteiri, Ecke and Viscounti in contrast give the special interest, good ole boys exactly what the want and even more.

Anonymous said...

Schrumm and orsini stood up for themselves
They don't like education and tried to take revenge on them
Plain and simple
That is not what the people wanted and voted so in 05
Cannot argue with that
Now they can't even run bc they have been so discredited
You can try to convince yourself but it is reality that they leave office as a discouraged and defeated twosome that we can only hope that we never have to deal with them again
Bitter and angry never works

Anonymous said...

"Bitter and angry never works"

Hello, that is the current DNC national playbook

Anonymous said...

Seems like the RNC playbook is to be angry and bitter and then be in denial about it
Discredited from Bush to Rowand and many in between (oh latest is that great man Larry Craig_

Anonymous said...

I didn't know the CF for the Philadelphia Phillies was a Republican

Anonymous said...

This discussion is going downhill. These two men are not running so why is someone so bitter etc. Move on to the current slate and issues

Anonymous said...

There is a new club in town and it is called BAMOC-Bitter and angry men of Cheshire
they will be having their first meeting in a phone booth at the north end next weeks
Topics of discussion will be
Why am I angry and what I can do about it
Why am I bitter and what I can do about it
Why I am angry and bitter and what I can do about it
Displaced anger-why is my anger displaced and how can I place it better
Running for council as an angry man-how to raise money while yelling at people
Why smiling will give you a stomach ache
and last but not least
Why I like lemons and not peaches or what the bitter men like to eat

Anonymous said...

More kids than you can imagine.

My neighbor's house has 1500 sq ft. They have no problem having 3 kids. What's that $30,000 in direct educational expense.

Planning and zoning will continue to be spoon fed anything W/S wants them to know and already have the rubber stamp ready.

Anonymous said...

"Schrumm/Orsini budget of 0 increase"?

Fact is White and Dill wanted to give the BOE less than 0 because of revaluation. Schrumm, Orsini and Carroll were willing to give a reasonable increase but needed 2 more votes to pass a budget. Orsini went to minority leader (at the time) Hall seeking a compromise to get 2 more votes to pass a budget but Hall turned him down.

"Schrumm/Orsini budget of 0 increase"? Fair enough. But the alternatives were White/Dill budget of less than 0 or another Hall/Ecke/Visconti budget well above inflation.

At least White/Dill we're willing to compromise up to 0. If
Hall/Ecke were willing to compromise down then the BOE could have received more. But that's not how the game is played now, is it?

"They leave office as a discouraged and defeated twosome"?

Last time I checked they both were reelected in 2005. And don't kid yourself - they would have won yet again in 2007 if they ran.

How many campaigns have you waged and won? How many years have you served in public office? Do you think that after 6 or 7 election campaigns (all successful) and 20+ years of VOLUNTEER service that maybe - just maybe - they're ready for something new?

Sounds to me like you're obsessed with these two guys. Or maybe a little jealous that you haven't been as successful. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Zero budget with a surplus. Go figure that one out. The word "padding" comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Cheshire High School girls swim team. Tonight they set a national record with their 235th consecutive victory. Their last loss was in 1986. I bet most of you were talking about the same crap twenty-one years ago.

Now you “adults” can go back to your silly, immature, and petty politics. You all make Cheshire proud, and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Some of bloggers on this site have griped at least once a day since Tim first posted the blog. That's a pretty good record. 2 years, once a day...730 comments. Not bad.

I'd say its better expressing yourself here than on the walls of a lavatory stall...especially if your an elected official. Larry Craig would have been better off too.

Anonymous said...

The Dems have the prettiest and the ugliest council candidates.

Anonymous said...

I agree I think that Hall is the best looking of all the candidates!

Anonymous said...

Is Hall available? I think he is great.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if he's available, but good luck if you can keep him awake...

Anonymous said...

Oh I'll keep him awake, that won't be a problem!

Anonymous said...

Matt should be excited about meeting you.

Anonymous said...

Why is someone (female) today taking signatures inside Stop&Shop in front of the ever changing poster of the proprosed NE development? Do they have a clue as to what they are signing and for that matter what is the purpose of obtaining signatures at this point?????

Anonymous said...

"Why is someone (female) today taking signatures"

She must either be well paid or she will benefit in some way from this mall. Isn't it nice of W/S to supply all the props. Was Justin Adinolfi there too? He's always trying to get someone to sign their petition or glorifying the mall. It seems to be a full-time job for him. One thing their petitions have avoided is telling the public that they also intend to build 160 rental units or that they will be selling the Cheshire school system for profit.

This petition only had 227 signers including the wife of one of the property owners.