I lost. The vote went down along town lines with the 5 Cheshire votes for me and the 6 Prospect votes and 4 Bethany votes for my opponent. I got the paperwork to file for a primary and intend to do so. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun over the next several months.
Here are the comments that were made by my dear old Dad when he nominated me tonight:
I rise to endorse Tim White for Representative from the 89th District not because he's my son but because he's well qualified. Tim's principles are drawn from the patriotic core of the American experience. They are: representative republicanism, liberty and justice for all with no one above the law, smaller government and less taxes, local control rather than state or federal bureaucracies, excellence in education as the basis for an informed electorate, public safety, and recognition that individual freedom must be matched by personal responsibility.
That's what he stands for. Here's some of what he's done:
For three years, he has been a watchdog for fiscal responsibility and government accountability. The town and state owe it to taxpayers to keep spending and taxes down while getting the most for our money. Some of his accomplishments include:
As an experienced member of the Cheshire Town Council, keeping Cheshire's tax increase below 6% for the entire period, excluding revaluation.
Scrutinizing and questioning Board of Education budget items and personnel figures, finding out for the first time in years exactly how many teachers Cheshire has.
Supporting smarter use of energy, which helps keep costs and taxes down and improves our quality of life.
Encouraging a climate of civility in public debate and dialogue.
But much of what occurs in our towns is driven by the state. And to that end, Tim has advocated for many concerns for the people of Cheshire and of the 89th district, such as:
Sponsoring a unanimously-approved resolution encouraging the state to increase property tax relief, particularly for senior citizens.
Supporting a unanimously-approved resolution to reform the binding arbitration law which costs the town’s taxpayers millions of dollars.
Going to Hartford to testify before the state legislature on your behalf, requesting their support for common sense laws that cost the taxpayers nothing.
And remaining on top of state issues, such as the reconstruction of Rte 42 ensuring that our state tax dollars are not wasted.
Statewide, the number one issue on people's minds is energy. Tim understands energy. He's currently advocating for Cheshire to begin using alternative forms of energy.
Tim will continue working to make government more accountable to you, the taxpayers. As always, please don't hesitate to contact him with any concerns. Tim White listens, and understands, and acts for good government and a better America. Let's send Tim White to Hartford from the 89th!
And here are the comments that were made by my friend, Adam Grippo, when he seconded me:
I would like to second Tim White’s nomination. This is both for Tim’s accomplishments and because he is the most electable candidate.
Why is he the most electable candidate? It is because of the demographics of the district.
Cheshire is not a small part of the 89th. Keep in mind the numbers of registered voters...
Prospect: 5800
Cheshire: 5400
Bethany: 3800...
for a total of 15,000 registered voters. Breaking down the district: Prospect is 38%, Cheshire is 36% and Bethany is 25%. Cheshire may not have many republicans, but it is not a small part of the 89th.
And where is the incumbent's stronghold? In the last election, she lost Prospect by 30 votes. But she won Bethany by 500 and Cheshire by over 900 votes. Cheshire is her stronghold.
Tim White will do well in Cheshire because he represents this democratic stronghold of the 89th district. This is considered the Democratic district in Cheshire and two years ago Tim White became its representative. In last year's local election, with over 20 positions on the ballot, only one Republican won the district... Tim White. Democrats won everything else. So how does he, as a Republican, win the hearts and minds of this democratic stronghold? Through voter outreach. Tim never stops going door to door and listening to his constituents. He may not always agree with you, but he always listens to you.
But that's a local election. Could another Republican win this part of Cheshire and win the 89th? Well, in the 2004 presidential election, of the three towns in the 89th, George Bush carried Bethany and Prospect, but not the part of Cheshire that Tim represents. John F. Kerry won Cheshire's 89th district.
Republicans don't win in this part of Cheshire. No republican, except for Tim White. When looking at the results of everything from the Presidential to the local elections in the 89th, it is obvious that Tim White is the only candidate who can win Cheshire and the rest of the 89th. And it is for that reason that Tim is the most electable candidate.
I support Tim White. And you should too.
Tim White
State Representative Candidate (89th)