Some random pix of Jeremie
There are paintings all over Haiti, particularly of celebrities. Here are a couple of American kids. I may not know who the kid is in the lower left, if not for Senatorial-hopeful Chris Murphy who tweeted about "Biebs" last year:This is the path that leads from my place to La Ville:
A view of the neighborhood from the path that goes downtown. It's basically a neighborhood built upon the cliffs of a ravine that towers at least 75 feet from the base to the peak:
Some quadraped transport:
The local cemetary:
A resident of the cemetary who wasn't too thrilled with my presence:
Unfortunately, the cemetary doubles as a dump:
One of my colleagues, Martha, with two kwash (malnourished) sweetie-pies at the Center of Hope:
A view of the Jeremie beach:
An abandoned ship at the Jeremie beach:
The Education Ministry:
Some of the rusted tin roofs of Jeremie:
The ubiquitous "Digicel" sign. Digicel is one of the large cell phone service providers in Haiti:
Some more random roofs:
And one of the many churches:
Tim White