State Representative
The following article, by Kristen Malinowski, ran in the Herald today. It's about me running for the 89th Assembly District:
Tim White
Town Council, 4th District
Blogging on Cheshire, Connecticut USA
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The following article, by Kristen Malinowski, ran in the Herald today. It's about me running for the 89th Assembly District:
Tim White
Town Council, 4th District
Good Luck!
It would be great to have someone from Cheshire representing us in the 89th.
You will do an excellent job for us in Hartford.
anon 10:55pm... thank you for your kind words. But if I am so fortunate as to get elected, I'll be representing the entire 89th District: Bethany, Cheshire & Prospect.
Tim White,
I hope you do run for State Representative. With your ideas, your decency, plus your actually LISTENing and responding to folks, you should run for State Rep.
All three towns -- Bethany, Chesire, and Prospect -- will be better served by you than the Same-Old we have now. Please liven up things and run for the 89th State Rep!
The presentation by the education was like all other years, no real added value. When the Supt was asked why he did not include the expected increase energy costs he replied, the budget was already printed. When asked about his history of continued overbudgetting in specific line items, his repsone to the citizen was, you asked that question before,you got answer and I'm not answering it again.
The continued arrogance and disrespect by the Superintendent towards the residents of this Town who he sees as critics needs to stop. His lack of providing possible proposals to reduce spending and having a sincere interest in feedback shows his true lack of concern. He just wants to do business as usual, do what I say, trust me with the money and I really do nort care to hear others opinions.
The Supt has had opportuities to reduce activity fees, parking fees and Dood sports fees but has refused to do. It is my opinion he would rather infuriate the parents against the Town Council for not providing him his requested funds, as opposed to developing and working out solutions that would have reduced or eliminated these fees.
If you don't believe me, just ask him, in public, how in the zero budget year did he run the school for two years at about the same funding? He asked for 2.4 mil increase, got 234k increase, ran the system and still put 300k into the medical trust account.
Mychal... thank you for your words of encouragement. I really do appreciate it.
If the Republicans are smart, they'll nominate Tim White for the 89th Assembly seat. He's the Republicans' best shot of winning this seat in November.
I live in the Mixville area, bordering Prospect. Tim White has shown up on my doorstep several times to ask my views on town issues -- once when it wasn't even an election year!
His active outreach to all voters is why he gets re-elected in this heavily Democratic district (4th Cheshire) without compromising his conservative fiscal positions.
Frankly, Mr. Kergaravat had his chance two years ago, and should have won this strongly Republican 89th.
This shouldn't be a Cheshire-versus-Prospect issue either. If Prospect Republicans are smart, they'll see Tim White's WINABILITY as their best chance to help Prospect as well as the whole 89th.
Good luck, you have my suuport in anyway possible. The people of the 89th need your leadership. In the 5 years my family has lived in Cheshire, we have sen nothing of the kind from Ms. Nardello. I have on more than one occassion emailed her office expressing concerns over a number of issues. Never have I received a response. I can honestly say others have responded both Democrat and Republican. Ms. Nardello is obviously too busy to be bothered with concerns of Cheshire residents I suppose.
There are so many issues to be addressed up in Hartford. It is time for new leadership and electing you to office is the first step!
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