Registering for Presidential primaries
While presidential primary elections are scheduled for February 5, the deadline to switch parties (and be eligible to vote in the primary) is November 5. I believe that date is relevant only if you are switching from one party to another party, such as from Democrat to Republican or Reform to CT for Lieberman (Cheshire does have one registered CFLer!) However, if you're unaffiliated, then I'm pretty sure this deadline doesn't matter. Regardless... if you have friends who are registered with a party, but want to vote in the primary of another party... they have only until November 5 to make that happen... and with the local election on November 6, they won't be able to make that switch on our upcoming election day.
Tim White
Tim, do you know if you switch parties say next week....will you be elegible to vote in the election the following week. I have read that if you switch parties you may not be able to vote for 12 weeks.....
You should call the Registrar of Voters (271-6680, I think). But what you said doesn't seem right to me.
My guess is that if you switch parties, you can't vote in a primary for 12 weeks. Don't see how they could deny you the right to vote in a general election.
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