Sunday, November 18, 2007

Your (CT-5) vote matters!

Bridgeport’s CT Post ran this article on our Congressman, Chris Murphy. I think it's a nice article, but I think Chris may have gotten one thing wrong. He said "Obviously, I know I am a perpetual target. This seat was held by Republicans for 24 years." Well, that would be true if he's talking about the CT-6, but not the fightin' fifth!

Cheshire and the CT-5 were represented by Democratic Congressman Jim Maloney from 1996-2002 before being defeated by Nancy Johnson after redistricting... I just wanted to point out that CT-5 is one of the most evenly divided “swing” districts in the entire country… and we live in it… so your vote does matter! Heck, I think it was 1998 when Jim Maloney beat Mark Nielsen with a plurality of the vote and the Libertarian candidate getting 1500 votes… making a majority unattainable by either the R or D. So remember... if you live in the CT-5... your vote does matter!

I don't yet know with certainty who will be opposing Murphy. But on the other side of the aisle, there is one declared GOP candidate... Dave Cappiello… a state senator from Danbury... and the Bartolis will be holding a fundraiser for him in the near future... details to come.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

Tim, This question relates to the new voting machines that were used in the election. Do you know if, since it's a new machine counting the votes, there's a check done to compare the number of ballots to the numbers shown on each machine? With the problems that were in the news with East Haven, I wondered if there's an automatic check of accuracy with these new machines. When I voted, I didn't notice the number on the machine go up one (maybe I just missed it). I'm not saying there's any major errors but there actually shouldn't be any errors.

Tim White said...

my understanding is that 10% of all voting precincts are being recounted by hand. And I assume that if there are material errors, it'll be very public.

Anonymous said...

I expect Congressman Murphy was referring to the fact that his opponent, Nancy Johnson, had been serving for 24 years before she was defeated.

Tim White said...

agreed. That's why I mention CT-6.