Friday, November 23, 2007

Debating ideas

Everywhere I turn, I always seem to hear politicians telling me what they think I want to hear. Or sometimes they talk of "process" or offer disingenuous arguments (does President Bush have any credibility when he opposes the SCHIP childrens healthcare because of cost?).

It seems so rare for politicians to be willing to engage in the grand philosophical debate of ideas. But to me, that's what they should be doing... debating the merits of the issues based on their philosophical beliefs.

But for an even better analysis of what I see in Ron Paul, here's an excerpt from his hometown newspaper, The Brazoria County Facts:

Congressman Ron Paul not only has emerged from darkhorse status to player in the race for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, he is doing it with a campaign method that is out of the dark ages. He’s saying what he truly believes. Off the cuff. Straight off the top of his head.

Watching Paul during a debate or interview is refreshing for voters. They appreciate his honesty and the passion with which he presents his case.

...we should relish the forthrightness of Paul, who is doing more than making the presidential race interesting. His unconventional campaign shows that someone with genuine, heartfelt ideas can have a voice among the tap-dancing, polished politicians. Americans have heard Paul’s message and responded. Is it too much to hope the other presidential hopefuls will hear Americans’ message about what we want from our candidates?

This, not this, is very much why I like Ron Paul. I believe he wants the debate. He wants to discuss ideas... the big ideas... candidly and vigorously.

And on a local note, that's one reason why I'll miss my 3rd district counterpart across the aisle... Diane Visconti was usually quite willing to engage in a philosophical debate... and for me, that always made Council meetings more interesting.

Tim White

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