A few random thoughts...
Despite assurances made during the October 13 Council meeting, there will be no Personnel Committee meeting this week to discuss the public safety situation. The earliest a meeting may happen is Monday October 26. Obviously the Council doesn't share my concern about the urgency of the situation.
The BOE forum was tonight. Did anyone attend? Any comments?
And one more comment... since Labor Day, two members of the Dem team running for Council have said privately that they are not certain to remain Dems after the election. I find that interesting. I haven't heard any such comments from the R side.
Tim White
Pretty obvious that the TC is too busy posturing for the election to worry about the issues at the PD> If I recall these were the same people who said how concerned they were aboud the Public Safety before the last election (people leaving for other depts etc) then did nothing once they got elected. Typical of this town.... Penny wise, pound foolish and appearance before credibility
BOE forum?? It would have been nice if there was more information ahead of time about when & where this was going to be.
D's becoming R's? Funny, I have heard the same thing.
Sure. Dill would flip in a heartbeat since his core beliefs are mush anyway. He goes with what- ever the crowd is saying. If the R's win he will jump to the majority because he can be on the winning side. The R's should close that door......unless he resigns from the C of C. Ever hear of conflict of interest? Hello?
Who's the other one? Ecke? He claims he is a CPA....although he isn't....but at least he knows that 2 plus 2 equals 4. With his sidekick Hall out of the way he can return to reality.
The BOE forum was good. Very low turn out. All the candidates did a great job. I found it very helpful. I found the 3 I will vote for on Nov 3rd. It will be televised in the future but, I'm not aware of dates.
"Pretty obvious that the TC is too busy posturing for the election to worry about the issues at the PD> If I recall these were the same people "
It should be obvious to you that the real problem has been that the council is controlled by the the Dems and that they seems as though they are controlled by Milone.
The chief reports directly to Milone and Milone alone. Most people in town would like to have a Police Commission that would remove absolute control from the town manager. I think a commission is needed to take care of grievances, to insure that all the laws are enforced without any favoritism and to determine if there are valid reasons for a no confidence vote against the chief.
If the R's take the majority, I hope they will not admit either Dill or Ecke to their caucus. Dill is an unreliable flip-flopper, and Ecke is, well, Ecke.
tim white touts the things he voted against during his tenure on the council. If you added them all up they were less than what the council wasted for the BOE on the bus deal.
I wish we had more folks turn out for the BOE forum. I don't think it was advertised well and often. It was taped and I was told it would be broadcasted on our public access stations. I just hope that happens before the election.
For those of you that were able to attend, THANK YOU.
Tony Perugini
(R) Candidate for BOE
I agree, Tony, that the BoE Forum was not promoted enough in the media. I wasn't aware of it until the day before and then couldn't attend b/c of another commitment. I did find out, however, that it is supposed to be replayed beginning Monday, 10-26, at 6:00 and 8:00 on Channel 16.
anon 9:15: The TC must send things out to bid. Look at the charter. They were doing their jobs (all of them). It didn't work out, but it was the right thing to do.
What a waste $200K up in smoke, didn't work out? They were told that it wouldn't. It was just a dumb waste.
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