Sunday, October 26, 2008

Council meeting 10/28/08

7:30 P.M., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2008

1. Roll call.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Status of Property Revaluation process.
4. Financial overview and FY 09-10 budget planning.
5. Natural gas purchase agreement.
6. Land acquisition, executive session.
7. Adjournment.

The financial overview is a result of one person - Tom Ruocco and his request for some fiscal responsibility. I've got ideas for some budget cuts, but am entering this discussion with little more than high hopes for finding five fiscally responsible votes.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

Five fiscally responsible votes? You'll find 3 others, but 5 - I doubt it. Good luck!

Tim White said...

I'm sure there will plenty of kool-aid served as a refreshment on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Dig in and give 'em hell!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a meeting of the budget committee with the boe also? I think both sides of the street ought to consider freezing this years budget and consider a zero increase in the 09-10 budget.

Surrounding towns have asked for concessions from the unions and when there weren't any, they began announcing layoffs. I think Cheshire should go the same route.

No new unnecessary projects or purchases (smart boards, turf fields, track replacement, ping pong tables(at least one was delivered at the end of August), no a/c for CHS, no West Main St revitalizing, etc).

Enough is enough!

Tim White said...

Tom Ruocco will be bringing forward thoughtful ideas for spending reductions on Tuesday... ideas that I support... though I'm fairly certain that the Rubber Stampers will not be given the authority to make any changes.

Btw if you're thirsty on Tuesday night, I'm confident there'll be lots of Kool-aid served in Town Hall.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could go but I have a previous commitment. Besides, I don't see any "audience comments" on the agenda and it's unlikely a vote will occur, so what's the sense of going. Hope it is televised.

Anonymous said...

It is probably that green Koll-Aid, the same color as the turf and the same color of all the money they will be wasting.
I personally spoke with one TC member who told me they were against the turf since this town has so many other priorities, but if they (the "turf heads") came up with a way to fund the difference they would vote for it. Whatever happened to taking a stand on something you believe in? Do any of these council members have a back bone? Does it always have to be rubeer stamped?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Revaluation process, any new revalutions should be based on today's much lower values and not on some value of the past. Cheshire should not get shafted by using unreal high values as I believe the higher the grand list, the lower is the state contribution.

In the past, Cheshire has been revaluted at the market highs and it's about time to correct the past mistakes. Also, more of the burden should be shifted back to the commercial. As we have seen from recent sales, the commercial has been under evaluated.

Anonymous said...

Why are land purchases always in executive session?

I think the public should be allowed to voice their opinions.

Anonymous said...

"I personally spoke with one TC member who told me they were against the turf since this town has so many other priorities, but if they (the "turf heads") came up with a way to fund the difference they would vote for it."

This is a perfect example of the ignorance on the council about the turf field. Who do they think will pay for the replacement in 8 - 10 years? How about repairs? Our own staff isn't qualified to "stitch up" tears or disinfect the turf or remove and paint new lines. Everyone ignores the safety risks too.

A responsible council person would put a halt to this study and project now. It's a total waste of our tax dollars!

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is the Town can create whatever valuation they want. All that really matters is our leaders say no increase in the budget, make do with what we had for this year. The problem comes is we do not have a Town Manager, Supt of Schools, BOE and Town Council members that will back that up. Get the message, there should not be an increase in collected revenue. There should be a decrease in expenses. Next year vote for people that follow this idea.

Anonymous said...

They have the surplus from the last couple of years to play with. We were overtaxed and now they will use this to keep their spending up. Please watch out for this. Ask questions and demand answers. The budget must not increase. We can't afford it any more.