Monday, April 02, 2007

Budget workshop 4/2

(Click on the image to the left to enlarge it.)
OK. Here's the budget that is currently under consideration by the Town Council. Points of most interest to most people probably are the year on year budget changes:

General government: $892k, 4.0%
Education: $1,976k, 3.7%
Debt: ($70k), (0.7%)
CNR: $118k, 10.5%
Contingency: $0, 0.0%

As for the budget described in the image, there are lots of numbers there. However, if you look at a budget in terms of "taxes = spending," then I'd suggest you focus on the two numbers highlighted in blue. See... all the other numbers are significant, but they are primarily estimates, such as the town's collection rate... and obviously, the town doesn't know with absolute certainty the collection rate, so an estimate is used for budgeting purposes.

So instead of discussing all the numbers in that spreadsheet, I highlighted the two numbers that relate to proposed spending cuts... one for the schools and one for the town (or "general government"). As for the schools, using advice from the Superintendent, the Board of Ed will decide what spending cuts will be implemented. So I don't have too much to say about that, although... I was glad to see the BOE do something this year with the Superintendent's proposed budget. And I want to give credit, where credit is due.

Then there is the town budget. And as you can see, the proposed cut to the town side budget is $101,000. I'm not yet sure what composes that $101k. But I'm hoping it's an across-the-board reduction in the staff position increases (see details in "Budget Workshop 3/28"). That amount was $84k or so. Then if we remove the $14k for the strategic plan, we're at $98k.

Well... I'm really not sure what will change. We'll all just have to wait and see. But if you're interested, you may want to attend tomorrow night's public hearing on the 07/08 budget. The public hearing starts at 7:30pm. And it will be preceded by another budget workshop at 7pm.

And last, but not least... if the budget is adopted as detailed here... there would be a mill rate increase of 0.45. And that translates into a 1.66% tax increase.

Any comments?

Tim White
Town Council, Budget Committee


Anonymous said...

so let's see, Cheshire is well under the proposed Rell property tax cap, but I'll pay a 10% hike in my income tax to impose it on some other towns.

Why is it this stuff just doesn;t seem to get better?

Anonymous said...

A large past of the proposed increase is the 416K to subsidize the pool. Reduce the perscription renewal to 0 because that is what it is, not 130k like you have been told. Even with higher than planned medical claims for the BOE their number can be reduced another 140k. Was the 14k for update of the Strategic plan removed?

Anonymous said...

Where does the waste end?

Anonymous said...

Why do I hear so much about the town awful financial condition and then taxes go up under two percent for the second year? Why is the sky always falling and it never does?

Anonymous said...

The town is in good financial condition. But 2% this year and 2% the next add up over the years. Then you get a reevaluation year where the taxes went up over 10%. This year the town has a budget surplus, in reality the Town Council should bring it down to a zero increase.

Anonymous said...

Now if the increase is 2% and inflation is 3.5% does that mean in real dollars I am actually paying less in taxes?

Anonymous said...

So where is my "property tax relief"?
Taxes don't always have to go up. Virtually everything we buy...computers, cars,food, etc. has benefited from productivity gains. Why can't government deliver more for less?
The small tax increases of the last few years are a time bomb. When the state yanks its support during the next recession....which will surely come.....the local taxpayer will pick up the bill....again. My income taxes will be going up 10% and Cheshire will get NOTHING from that. I will be subsidizing other communities that are poorly run. I am P.O.'ed at the whole gang in Hartford....D's and "moderate" R's!!!!

Anonymous said...

Run for office and work to fix it!

Anonymous said...

It must really burn both Schrumm and Orsini and to know that the Democrats have brought in budgets that were actually under their best efforts except for their fateful zero budget. The schools are being well served and no real services are being curtailed and there is a a very small tax and mill rate. My my my this looks like a Republican budget-ooops I mean a good budget. Say what you want but there is not much to complain about

Anonymous said...

10.20 There is a lot to complain about if you followed the budget. There is a lot of room for improvements. Zero increase is the magic number. The town council whether reps or dems have done nothing to produce the surplus. Think about it. It's the people,busnisses,reputation, affordabily and location that has helped Cheshire. This is "THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY" for the Cheshire taxpayers to get a break, even if it might be for one year. Let's get it done!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What do you cut for the zero increase? What services should go? Easy to say hard to do?

Anonymous said...

So I guess it does burn ya!!!!!!!!1

The Green Hornet

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that there are $345k in reductions proposed! I did not think that anyone on the Council had the guts to $1 let alone $345k. Wish it were more, but it will work.

Anonymous said...

Here we go. Grand list grew to $2.5B at current mill rate = $990M income to town. Surplus from '06/'07 budget = $2m and could be more by 6/30/07. That is almost $3m. Increase requested in the 07/08 budget is roughly $3.2M if no further reductions to education or services are made. What the state does is a ???? We should receive at least last years share. The council should be able to figure out the rest.....

Anonymous said...

They are not too smart they won't get it right.

Anonymous said...

1:58 - The great unwashed, you have no idea what you are talking about. The funny part is you don't know what you don't know.

Anonymous said...

5:10 PROVE ME WRONG.......

Anonymous said...

To 10:20 AM
I won't speak for Schrumm and Orsini but I think the mere fact that nine council members happen to be sitting at a time when the grand list is pretty good, tax collections are excellent and the state has managed to distribute more of our state tax money back to the town has helped us all.

But anyone knows that the talk from the State is higher income taxes and they are worried about funding just about everything next year. Not to overlook a Governor gone wild among a sea of frenzied democrat state law makers. This will bother White, Schrumm, Ruocco and Orsini because they think about things moving forward not the rear view mirror stuff.

I think most of our town councilors recognize the challenges ahead and they are attempting to stay responcibly ahead of the curve. My concern is that the council and especially the BOE fail to challenge our highly paid town mangement and accept too willingly their numbers and perspectives on everything. To this I applaud the brave few taxpayers from the community that do show up and ask the pointed questions.

Anonymous said...

When will the CAVE men of Cheshire admit
THEY HAVE BEEN DEFEATED AND SHOULD GIVE IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

11:05AM Isn't it discouraging when you come up with an intelligent comment and then someone like 12:24PM comes along.

Anonymous said...

We should all have to sign in and anon should not be an option

Anonymous said...

4-03-07 4:15 They are smart (-1 you pick) what ever they ok is never challenged. The budget meeting on 4/3 was not well attended. Nobody seems to care. No real cuts . Everyone is happy I guess. Who's not smart?????

Anonymous said...

It is not that people do not care. Those who care have been attending these meetings for years and constantly get verbally insulted, berated and ignored by Milone and the Supt, not to mention some council members. The problem is they all belive that an increase in taxes is required every year,even if it is not needed. That statement has been made by the Town Manager. When you that philosophy along with Council members that really do not care what is good for the people but only what is good to get them into the majority or stay in the majority, we will never have real leadership and change.